Agricultural Development and Mechanization in 2013 - A Comparative Survey at a Global Level

Publication Type
Böttinger,S.; Doluschitz,R.; Klaus,J.; Jenane,Ch.; Samarakoon,N.
Year of publication
Conference name
CECE-CEMA Summit 2013: Towards a competitive industrial production for Europe
Conference location
Conference date

This paper examines several rather broad questions: What are the world trend and evolution of agricultural mechanization? What are the factors driving the future demand for agricultural mechanization at global level?
What would be the changes in the structure of domestic demand, imports and exports of agricultural machinery over the next 10 years? And what would be the future market penetration of selected high-tech innovative agricultural machinery? The findings of this paper are based upon a review of available industry data for agricultural mechanization and a survey targeting major Associations of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers. The survey investigated questions related to: (i) General development tendencies likely to affect the future demand of agricultural mechanization; (ii) main field operations for the production of staple crops; (iii) Trade related to agricultural machinery – including implements, tractors and combines; (iv) the impact that selected issues (irrigation, organic production, and growth in the bio-fuel/bio-products markets) will have on the demand for agricultural mechanization; and (v) the technological trends for the sector over the next 10-20 years.

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