Stumpe, C.; Krug, P.; Weber, J.; Böttinger, S.: Yield prediction of grassland swards using specific equations for Rising Plate Meter. agricultural 80 (2025) H. 1, S. 54-72.
Stumpe, C.: Wissen, was wächst. Bauernzeitung 65 (2024) H. 40, S. 40-41.
Kiefer, A.; Stumpe, C.; Hütt, C.; Bahrs, E.: Comparing economic effects of remote herbage mass estimation in small-scale farms in mountain regions. Landtechnik 79 (2024) H. 1, S. 1-20.
Stumpe, C.; Leukel, J.; Zimpel, T.: Prediction of pasture yield using machine learning-based optical sensing: a systematic review. Precision Agriculture 25 (2024), H. 1, S. 430-459.
Leukel, J.; Zimpel, T.; Stumpe, C.: Machine learning technology for early prediction of grain yield at the field scale: A systematic review. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 207 (2023), Aufsatz 107721.
Stumpe, C.; Böttinger, S.: Grassland yield prediction and mapping in small-scaled regions. VDI-MEG Tagung AgEng-LAND.TECHNIK, 22./23.11.2022, Berlin. In: VDI-MEG (Hrsg.): AgEng-LAND.TECHNIK – International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, VDI-Berichte, Bd. 2406, Düsseldorf: VDI Verlag GmbH 2022, ISBN: 978-3-18092406-9, S. 149-154
Stumpe, C.: Das Gras wachsen sehen – mit Geoinformation gelingt es. Esri Deutschland GmbH, URL:
Stumpe, C.; Mundt, M.; Böttinger, S.: Exemplary on-farm research of region-, period- and swardspecific grassland yield prediction using geoprocessing methods. Grassland at the heart of circular and sustainable food systems, 26.-30.6.2022, Caen. In: Delaby, L.; Baumont, R.; Brocard, V.; Lemauviel-Lavenant, S.; Plantureux, S.; Peyrauf, J. L. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 29th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Grassland Science in Europe, Bd. 27, Paris 2022.
Stumpe, C.; Werner, J.; Krug, P.; Weber, J.: Mehr Wissen über Wiesen und Weiden durch Digitalisierung. MilchPraxis 55 (2021) H. 3, S. 11 - 13.
Stumpe, C.: Und wie viel ernten Sie? top agrar 50 (2021) H. 6, S. 87–88.
Stumpe, C.; Werner, J.; Böttinger, S.: Accuracy improvement of Rising Plate Meter measurements to support management decisions in the Black Forest region. Sensing - New Insights into Grassland Science and Practice, 17.-19.05.2021 Kassel. In: Proceedings of the 21st Symposium of the European Grassland Federation. Witzenhausen 2021, S. 217–219.
Werner, J.; Stumpe, C.; Höhn, D.; Bateki, C.; Dickhöfer, U.: Case study on monitoring sward height and available biomass with a rising plate meter on pastures of dairy farms in Southwest Germany. Sensing - New Insights into Grassland Science and Practice, 17.-19.05.2021 Kassel. In: Proceedings of the 21st Symposium of the European Grassland Federation. Witzenhausen 2021, S. 98–100.
Stumpe, C.; Werner, J.; Krug, P.; Weber, J.: Digitalisierung in der Weidewirtschaft. BioTOPP 3 (2021) H. 2, S. 32–34.